Why did you disagree with me when I was quoting you?
You didn't quote me. You attached your own spin on things, which is fine, but don't say that you were quoting me because you weren't.
Does the fact that Bill Bowen, Barbara Anderson, her husband and others have taken a stand for the cause of Silentlambs and as a result been ousted from the WTS mean that they will not be spared during Armageddon?
No, not necessarily. The judgment of each individual will be determined by how they respond during the holocaust, for lack of a better term to signify what we are facing. The irony is that those very "dictators of Sodom" that Jehovah confronts at the beginning of Isaiah are some of the very same individuals whom Jehovah later describes as "big trees of righteousness" at Isaiah 61:3. Didn't Jesus say that the judgment of the sheep and goats will be determined by how they treat his brothers during their hardship? Well, Isaiah 61:3 refers to those who are mourning over Zion. That means that rather than forsaking Jehovah's organization altogether Jehovah ultimately rewards those who endure his discipline and loyally stick with those who introduced us to Jehovah in the first place. As they say in Dixie, 'you gotta dance with the one that brung ya.' That's how it's going to go down, I think.
So, while it will be difficult for those who have stumbled to regain their footing, once it is evident to them that Jehovah has intervened to set things straight, as in the case of the "dictators of Sodom," then, if they truely love Jehovah, they will find reason to support Christ's chastened brothers.
Individuals from the nation of israel who accepted Jesus were spared the calamity of 70 CE, So did the individuals who left Sodom(Lot and his daughters) So would not that mean that if you were to decide to DA yourself on the basis of all the corruption that you see, you will be spared as well?
No / You Know